Museum Visitor Eats A ‘Banana Art’ In South Korea

A visitor to a South Korean Museum ate a banana that was displayed as an art. The artwork called the “Comedian” was put on display at Seoul’s Leeum Museum of Art by Maurizio Cattelan. The visitor was a student who said he ate the banana because missed his breakfast and was hungry.

Visitor Taped Banana Back

The student visitor named Noh Huyn-soo ate the artwork and then taped the peel of it back on the wall. A video recorded by Noh’s friend showed peeling the banana which was meant to be an artwork for the part of Cattelan’s “WE” exhibition.

Artist Said No Problem

Noh later told the local media that damaging an artwork is also an art as banana was meant to be eaten. When the artist Mr Cattelan was told about the incident, he said no problem. After eating the banana, Noh posed for a photo and went away like nothing happened.

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