Researchers Say Air Pollution Causes Depression In Adults

Researchers have been increasingly focusing on the adverse effects of air pollution to human cognition and overall brain. A latest study has unearthed a link between air pollution and depression in the adult population. 1.5 million out of total 8.9 million participants were diagnosed with depression, the study mentioned.

11 Years Of Study

The study went on for 11 years, from 2005 to 2016, focusing on discovering the link between exposure to polluted air and depression in adults. The study published in JAMA Network Open studied 8.9 million adult participants, of whom 57% were female. The focus was on three potential hazardous pollutants i.e. particulate matter, smog and nitrogen dioxide. Those highly exposed to the pollutants, especially nitrogen dioxide, were more at risk of depression. 

Depression Is Hidden In Adults

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, depression in the older population normally goes on without being properly investigated. The authors of the study said that they were hopeful that “health officials will take the impact of air pollution” into consideration while treating depression in future. 

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