Russia Rejects UN Resolution Against Space Arms Race

Russia has vetoed a United Nation resolution calling for an end to the dangerous nuclear arms race in space.

The resolution put forward by the United States and Japan called on countries to prevent the nuclearization of space but the Russian delegation vetoed it by saying the country has no intentions of deploying nuclear weapons in space. 

Resolution Called For Abiding Treaty

The binding resolution called on member states to uphold Outer Space Treaty, specifically those having space capabilities.

The treaty forbids using “orbit around the Earth any objects carrying nuclear weapons or any other kinds of weapons of mass destruction”. 

Russia Deploying Nuclear Weapons

The US-Japan resolution was put forward as White House had intelligence indicating that Russia was deploying nuclear weapons in space.

The Russian President Vladamir Putin rejected the assessment saying he was categorically against deploying weapons in space.

“We have always been categorically against and are now against the deployment of nuclear weapons in space,” he said at the time.

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