Sea Waves Washes Away Vessels Supporting US Built Pier in Gaza

Sea waves have swept away a temporarily built pier for providing much needed aid to millions of Gazans inside the enclave.

US Central Command said in a statement that rough sea waves disturbed the four vessels supporting the floating pier off the coast of Gaza but no one was injured in the incident.

Two of the four vessels landed on the Israeli beach of Ashdod while the other two touched ground near Ashkelon.

No Soldiers Injured

According to the CENTCOM statement, all of the US soldiers on board were safe and there were no fatalities in the incident.

Although the mishap did take place, the Pentagon tried to assure the public that the pier was fully functional, Al Jazeera wrote.

The floating pier was established in mid May to respond to the critical humanitarian situation in Gaza but its role has been criticized for being useless and costly.

The Biden administration has stressed repeatedly that the pier is an excellent solution to the crisis but so far, the improvements on the ground are yet to materialize. 

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