
Huge Spot 7 Times Bigger Than Size of Earth Appears On Sun

A huge sunspot seven times bigger than the earth is currently visible to the naked eye. The sunspot named AR3354 first appeared on 26 July and is expected to vanish on 2 July, Sunday. The sunspot wasn’t that massive when it first appeared, but has got bigger in the last few days, reported.

Black Spot Four Times Size Of Earth Seen On Sun Surface

Astronomers have detected a huge black spot which they said could be seen with the naked eye. The spot was more than four times the size of our planet, the astronomers said. While the sunspot could be seen with a naked eye, the astronomers have urged the scientific community and the general public to use relevant glasses to protect their eyes.

A Planet-Size Sunspot Is Pointed Toward Earth

An enormous sunspot called AR3038, that has been doubling in size each day for the past three days is now facing Earth—meaning it could send a solar flare our way. Solar flares can disrupt radio communications and power grids on Earth.