
China Launched Crewed Mission To Complete Its Space Station Assembly

China on Sunday launched three astronauts into space as a part of its mission to complete assembly work on its permanent orbiting space station. The ‘Shenzhou 14’ crew blasted off from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center on the edge of the Gobi Desert at 10:44 a.m. (02:44  p.m. CST). The three astronauts will spend the next six months on China’s Tiangong space station, which translates to “heavenly palace.”

The Largest Asteroid EVER Is Going To Pass Through EARTH’s Orbit

According to NASA’s database for near-earth objects, a ‘potentially hazardous’ asteroid that’s more than a mile-long is headed our way and makes its closest pass by our planet in centuries on May 27, 2022. The nearest this rock will get to us is at 9:26 AM CST, Friday Morning. The asteroid is labeled ‘potentially hazardous’ because it is an Apollo asteroid meaning it crosses earth’s orbit.