bear kills couple in canada

Bear Kills Couple And Their Dog in Canada National Park

A couple and their dog were found dead by Canada’s Banff National Park officials on Sunday. The officials said they were alerted by the GPS notification, urging them to respond to a possible bear attack. The park officials sent a response team and located the couple after 24 hours of search.

France Passes Law To Allow Police Spy Through Phones

French lawmakers passed a law to allow police to remotely spy on suspects by activating their phones, laptops, microphones and GPS. The Justice reform bill, passed by the senate last month, covers a wide range of topics and giving police the right to spy on crime suspects is one of the provisions.

Apple AirTags Are Being Used To Track You

Since the launch of AirTags, many criminals are using it to track girls and children by placing them in cars, backpacks, and other places where people might not look or know that they are being tracked or followed.