Bear Kills Couple And Their Dog in Canada National Park

bear kills couple in canada

A couple and their dog were found dead by Canada’s Banff National Park officials on Sunday. The officials said they were alerted by the GPS notification, urging them to respond to a possible bear attack. The park officials sent a response team and located the couple after 24 hours of search.

Bear Was Still Aggressive

The Banff National Park authorities said they dispatched a response team to the site immediately after receiving the first alert. They couldn’t travel by helicopter due to bad weather but managed to reach the area on foot. Even after reaching the site, the bear was still aggressive but the park officials managed to euthanize it properly.

Couple Was Identified

Initially the park authorities couldn’t identify the victims. Media coverage later interviewed people who knew them and said the victims were very cautious. “They (couple) knew bear protocol and followed it to a tee,” the deceased couple’s family member told CBC News.

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