
New Study Says 1.5 Hours Outside Reduces Depression Risk

A latest research study has linked depression risk with the daily time spent outdoors. Depression is known to have multiple overlapping factors and the recent study adds a fresh perspective to an already existing factor, the environment . The study has uncovered that people who spend 1.5 hours outdoors are at the lowest risk of depression. It also mentioned that spending too much or less than 1.5 hours outside can also contribute to depression.

Researchers Say Air Pollution Causes Depression In Adults

Researchers have been increasingly focusing on the adverse effects of air pollution to human cognition and overall brain. A latest study has unearthed a link between air pollution and depression in the adult population. 1.5 million out of total 8.9 million participants were diagnosed with depression, the study mentioned.

Lifespan Is Correlated With Lung Capacity

Throughout our entire life, we’ve heard that breathing is just about inhaling the oxygen in and exhaling the carbon dioxide out. But it’s more than that, a recent research suggests. Breathing can have a significant positive impact on our brain, emotions and how we process different thoughts. 

Study Shows Antidepressants Can Damage Mental Health

A latest study reveals that antidepressant medications can alter the structure of the human brain. It has discovered that the medications aimed at developing human mental health can have adverse effects on the Gray and White matter inside the brain. 

Talk Therapy May Help In Reducing Dementia And Depression

Dementia is a mental disorder that significantly reduces a person’s memory and affects daily activities of the concerned individual. It is one of the leading causes of death among older people in the United States alone. The latest study suggests that talk therapy can remarkably reduce the risk of depression and anxiety in people with dementia.