David Smith

David J. Smith has over 30 years’ experience as a consultant, lawyer, mediator, professor, trainer, senior manager, career coach, and author. He supports educators, youth, and professionals in promoting civic, conflict, and peacebuilding awareness.

UK Bee Population in Danger Over Asian Hornets Rise

The United Kingdom’s bee population has been under threat from the dramatic rise of Asian hornets. Experts are worried about the catastrophic consequences Asia hornets could pose to the local ecosystem. The dangerous insects have already arrived in the UK after taking over most of Europe.

Story of A Man Who Wrote Oldest South African Quran

A Quran neatly preserved in the Auwal Mosque in Cape Town, South Africa, tells a unique story of resistance and oppression. The Quran was written by an Imam of a mosque known as Abdullah ibn Qadi Abdus Salaam, from his memory while he was exiled to South Africa from Indonesia.

Startup Seeks To Revolutionize Trees To Capture More CO2

A US based technology startup is genetically engineering trees to capture more carbon dioxide and live longer than traditional trees. The U.S. climate technology startup Living Carbon is producing trees that can absorb 53% more biomass with more efficient photosynthesis.