Mexico Rejects To Land US Military Aircraft Full of Migrants

Mexico has declined a request from the US to allow a US military aircraft to land in the country.

The military plane was landing as part of a US migrant deportation plan, officials from both nations confirmed.

The proposed landing of a C-17 transport plane was blocked, despite ongoing cooperation between the two countries on immigration issues.

Migrants Deported To Guatemala

“We will always welcome Mexicans back to their homeland with open arms,” Mexico’s foreign ministry said.

Meanwhile, Trump’s hardline immigration policies continue to unfold. In Guatemala, US military planes deported 265 migrants in one day.

The deportations are done on behalf of the controversial “Remain in Mexico” program, which requires non-Mexican asylum seekers to wait south of the border for their US cases to resolve.

Mexico siad it will welcome Mexicans with open arms but Trump’s move to deport migrants like criminals will not be accepted.

Relations Sored

Relations remain tense after Trump declared a national emergency at the border.

His administration has sent 1,500 troops, threatened a 25% tariff on Mexican goods, and even renamed the Gulf of Mexico the “Gulf of America.” 

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