Could America’s most infamous assassinations finally be laid bare?
Trump’s new order promises answers to three of the most controversial assassinations in history.
Former President Donald Trump has ordered plans to declassify documents tied to the assassinations of John F. Kennedy, Robert F. Kennedy, and Martin Luther King Jr.
Everything Will Be Revealed
Trump said from the Oval Office, “Everything will be revealed.”
While many records have been released over the years, thousands remain classified, adding to a vast literature of conspiracy theories and disinformation.
The assassination of JFK was officially blamed on Lee Harvey Oswald and remains a hotbed for alternative theories involving the CIA, the mafia, and beyond.

Opinion polls show most Americans don’t buy the “lone gunman” narrative.
Jefferson Morley, a leading JFK expert and editor of the online newsletter JFK Facts, welcomed the announcement but warned that the “devil’s in the details. How this plays out is far from clear.”