Google Turns To Nuclear Energy To Power AI Huge Data Centers

Google has announced transitioning to using nuclear energy to power its data centers that require huge energy to function.

In a statement, the tech giant has signed an agreement with Kairos Power to use small nuclear reactors to generate energy for its AI huge data centers.

The partnership is expected to bring the first reactor online by the end of this decade, with more to follow by 2035. 

Google Data Centers

Why is Google Transitioning To Nuclear Energy?

The deal highlights the increasing interest from tech companies in nuclear energy as it is a carbon-free and reliable power source for AI infrastructure.

The company recently admitted to having its skyrocketing carbon emissions in its annual environmental report published in July. 

Nuclear Waste, Approvals & Much More

The shift has raised concerns from civic organizations as using nuclear energy on such a large scale will produce radiation waste.

Furthermore, the construction of these reactors will have to be approved by the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission which is pending.

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