Boeing Lays Off 17,000 Employees Due To Losses

Boeing has decided to lay off 17,000 jobs after facing challenges with various aspects of the business.

The industry giant’s decision will lead to a drastic cut 0f 10th of its workforce by 10%.

This decision comes as the leading global aerospace company faces various issues including strikes, concerns over plane quality, and delays in aircraft production.

CEO Communicates The Decision

Chief executive Kelly Ortberg communicated the tough measures in an email to staff and said that jobs across all levels—executives, managers, and employees—are at risk.

The company plans to implement these job cuts gradually over the coming months, the email observed.

The harsh measures indicate the difficult situation the company has found itself in, including protests and quality issues.

33,000 Workers On Strike

The company recently has faced intense scrutiny after multiple incidents that indicated the quality control measures.

Furthermore, 33,000 employees of the company are on strike for several weeks for better pay packages and negotiations are underway.

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