Fear of Regional War Escalates As Houthi Missile Lands in Israel

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has warned that Yemen’s Houthis will face severe consequences after the group launched a missile into Israel.

The missile, fired at 6am local time, was reportedly fragmented mid-air and landed in an open area in central Israel, causing no injuries.

Images and videos show smoke rising over an open field and shattered glass at a train station in Modi’in, located between Tel Aviv and Jerusalem.

Iran-Backed Group Responsibility

The Iran-backed Houthis claimed responsibility for the attack, using a new hypersonic ballistic missile.

The fear of escalation is increasing day by day as Houthis in Yemen become more and more sophisticated in terms of weapons.

Previous attempts of launching strikes at Israel failed as air defense systems managed to bring the projectiles down.

The group used a high-tech hypersonic missile, reportedly delivered by Iran, which signals an intention of serious regional escalation.

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