Night Light Pollution Can Increase Risk of Alzheimer’s, Research Finds 

A new research study suggests that exposure to outdoor light at night could increase the risk of Alzheimer’s disease, particularly in individuals under 65.

The researchers found that despite legislation being put in place in 19 US states, light pollution is still a problem.

The paper published in Frontiers in Neuroscience, found a correlation between high levels of artificial light at night in various US regions and a higher prevalence of Alzheimer’s disease.

Why Light Pollution Increases Alzheimer’s?

The reason given by the researchers was that increasing light pollution can interfere with brains’ circadian rhythms.

Dr. Robin Voigt-Zuwala, one of the study’s authors, said over and unregulated exposure to artificial light can alter our sleep patterns and cause a significant burden on our brains.

Our brain’s internal clock depends on the amount of light to decide when to sleep and when to wake up.

Disturbances in the clock can damage sleep quality and cause diabetes and hypertension, researchers noted.

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