CDC Says Teen Mental Health in US Has improved After Covid

A new report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has revealed that mental health problems are improving among US teens.

According to the latest Youth Risk Survey, feelings of hopelessness among youth dropped from 40% to 42% since 2021, with the majority of those being girls who suffered the most during the pandemic. 

What Caused The Positive Trajectory

Hedy Chang, executive director of Attendance Works, told the Guardian that the success should solely be attributed to the school’s care for student’s mental wellbeing.

Majority of schools in the US have started to take more care of their student’s mental health by arranging social-emotional support systems since the pandemic, the report mentioned. 

Downward Trajectory

The CDC also found worsening negative trends in school safety as more and more students are bullied and threatened.

The report found bullying incidents increased from 15% to 19% between 2021 and 2023 with policy suggestions to improve the safety index for students.

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