Unknown Man Decapitates Statue of Soviet Dictator Joseph Stalin

An unidentified man decapitated a statue of Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin with a sledgehammer in Zvenigorod, near Moscow, The Moscow Times reported.

CCTV footage shows the suspect staggering around the statue before knocking off its head in a single blow and then walking away. 

Head of Stalin’s statue now beheaded

Man Also Damaged Lenin’s Statue 

The man also damaged a bust of Soviet founder Vladimir Lenin before fleeing the scene.

The Police, while searching for the suspect, said the motive behind the arson attack is not confirmed but hatred for the soviet leader is not an exception in the country.

The Stalin statue was erected by pro-veteran activists in the summer of 2023 but faced potential demolition due to unauthorized installation.

Controversial Legacy

Stalin, who ruled the Soviet Union from 1924 until 1953, led a regime marked by mass imprisonments and executions.

His legacy remains controversial in Russia, celebrated by some for his World War II leadership and condemned by others for his brutal crackdown on dissent.

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