Scientists Finds New Planet Near Earth in Our Solar System

Scientists have discovered a new planet lurking in our solar system, increasing the number of planets to nine.

Researchers in a groundbreaking study suggested that there is a 7% chance of a hidden planet in the Oort cloud.

Oort cloud is a region of the solar system filled with icy chunks and rocks tens of thousands of times farther from the Sun. 

What is Oort Cloud?

The Oort cloud was identified as a region in space filled with tens of thousands of icy chunks and rocks, according to the co-author of the study Nathan Kaib.

Mr. Kaib said that the region has strong gravitational pulls that have the potential of disturbing the gravitational pull of other planets’ orbits and spotting them would be a challenge. 

7% Chance

Researchers that published the research said that there is a 7% chance for such a planet to exist in the solar system but spotting it is really difficult.

What 7% constitutes is debatable but researchers encouraged further studies to detect the planet that will be an ice giant.

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