UK Scientists Using Beeswax To Create Wraps To Avoid Food Spoilage

UK scientists are collaborating with beekeepers in Ukraine to make new wax wrappings for storing food as the war rages.

As Russian attacks on Ukrainian energy infrastructure intensifies, the country is now turning to simple yet effective remedies to avoid food spoilage.

Researchers shaving wax to make wraps

Beeswax Wraps

Cardiff University researchers suggest that beeswax may play a vital role in preserving food in war-torn areas like Ukraine.

The research team are using different recipes to develop wraps to preserve food and other edible materials.

Researchers are working closely with Ukrainian academics to find the best possible wraps for food storage by combing beeswax with clothes and some antimicrobial plants to develop the wraps, the BBC reported.

Extending Food Life Without Refrigerators

The goal is not to preserve food indefinitely but rather to extend its life, Professor Baille told the BBC.

Prof Baille and his team said the formula was highly appreciated by the Ukrainian military who currently faces an unprecedent challenging of storing food on front lines.

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