Members of UK Richest Family Jailed For Exploiting Employees

A Swiss court has sentenced four members of the UK’s wealthiest family to prison for exploiting Indian staff at their Geneva mansion.

The Hindujas, whose fortune is estimated at £37 billion, brought servants from India and then exploited them by paying them minimum wages, the court said.

The prosecution pursued the case due to the severity of the charges despite a previous settlement between the Hindujas and the employees. 

Sentences And Charges

Prakash Hinduja and his wife Kamal received four years and six months each, while their son Ajay and his wife Namrata were handed four-year terms.

The charges stemmed from the family’s practice of bringing servants from India and confiscating their passports upon arrival in Switzerland.

Prosecutors argued that the Hindujas paid their staff minimal wages of around £195-£350 per month and restricted their freedom. 

Family Rejected Allegations

The Hinduja family denied the allegations, saying the prosecutors were targeting them unfairly.

Defense lawyers claimed the staff received additional benefits and were not mistreated like mentioned in the court documents.

The defense said the family paid enough wages to the employees and were treated with respect.

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