Scientists Found Microplastics in Almost Every Human Semen Sample

Microplastics have been detected in all semen samples tested in a recent study.

Researchers believe this could be crucial given that sperm counts have been declining for decades, with 40% of cases unexplained, often linked to chemical pollution.

The study, published in the journal Science of the Total Environment, examined 40 semen samples from healthy men in Jinan, China, who were undergoing premarital health assessments. 

Microplastics Are There in Other Human Parts

Scientists are finding microplastics in various parts of the human body, including blood, placentas, breast milk, and even testicles, as shown in a study published in May.

While the health impacts remain largely unknown, lab studies show microplastics can damage human cells of almost all body organs.

While microplastic pollution has remained a concerning phenomenon for decades, governments around the world must regulate the supply chain and strictly monitor the flow of these harmful substances in the food chain.

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