Four Star Former Navy Admiral Arrested on Bribery Charges

A former Navy admiral has been arrested for awarding a government contract to a company to secure a future job in the firm.

The 62-year-old Adm Robert Burke agreed to give a Naval contract to a private training firm in return for a hefty $500,000 salary job at the company. 

Admiral Contracted CEO in 2022

According to the BBC news story, the former admiral contracted two New York based Chief Executives to provide a workforce training pilot program in 2018.

Although the Justice Department fell short of naming the firm, but Yongchul “Charlie” Kim and Meghan Messenger are Co-CEOs of a startup named NextJump.

The company’s initial contract was terminated later but the Navy did hire the company in 2022, federal officials said.

30 Years in Jail

If Adm Burke, who was the vice-chief of naval operations until 2022 is found guilty of the charges, he could face up to 30 years in prison.

The DOJ claimed that Mr. Burke started working at the company with a starting salary of $500,000 per annum as per agreed in a meeting in 2021.

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