Human Brain Can Store 10X More Info Than Previously Thought

Our brains can have the ability to store more information, ten times more to be precise, than we previously thought.

Researchers from Salk Institute suggest that the human brain may hold more information than revealed in previous studies, surpassing the estimates by shocking ten folds.

The Study

Researchers used advanced techniques to explore the brain’s computing power, revealing it to be significantly greater than earlier estimates.

Terry Sejnowski, a Salk professor and co-senior author of the study said that the new measurements of the brain’s memory capacity increase conservative estimates by a factor of 10.

Human brain activity usually moves in synapses and by studying them through an algorithm, scientists were shocked to discover the world they didn’t know previously.

Future Computers

The study focused on the brain’s electrical and chemical activity, particularly through synapses, brain regions where neurons connect to each other.

Scientists found a greater variety of synapse categories than previously thought, indicating the potential for much more information storage.

Scientists mentioned that the insights could aid them in developing faster and more efficient computers in the near future.

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