Heartbreaking Video Shows Horse Stranded On Rooftop During Floods

A heartbreaking video of a horse standing alone on the top of a roof while floodwater completely submerged in Brazil’s Rio Grande do Sul state.

Floodwater has destroyed hundreds of houses and displaced more than 160,000 people in the state.

The government said it will be using a helicopter to rescue the poor horse who has been standing on the rooftop for an unknown duration. 

Horse Was Abandoned

According to reports, the horse was reportedly abandoned by its owners when they evacuated their residence in the city of Canoas when the flood water arrived.

The video, filmed on Wednesday morning, shows the horse stranded on the roof helplessly looking down upon the water.

The city’s mayor told the media that they have alerted the local civil defense officials to rescue the distressed animal as soon as possible.

Media reports couldn’t confirm since when the horse has been standing there on the rooftop.

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