Ex-James Bond Star Pleads Guilty To Hiking Close To Sensitive Pools

Former James Bond actor Pierce Brosnan pleaded guilty to trespassing near sensitive geothermal pools in a closed section of Yellowstone National Park, reversing his initial plea of not guilty.

The incident involved Brosnan roaming too close to hot springs where acidic steam can reach boiling temperatures.

Ex-James Bond Star Fined

Brosnan was fined over $1,500, with the payment directed to a park preservation non-profit.

He admitted to violating regulations prohibiting foot traffic near the Mammoth Terraces hot springs.

A second petty offense, for violating closures and use limits, was dismissed by US magistrate judge Stephanie Hambrick.

These offenses are classified as misdemeanors. Yellowstone’s thermal features, like Mammoth Terraces, require visitors to stay on designated paths, with penalties including jail time and fines.

The incident drew attention after a photo of Brosnan near the springs surfaced on Instagram, satirizing park tourists.

Brosnan, known for his Bond roles and other major films, had been in the area filming a movie at the time.

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