Report Suggests AI Can Easily Make Fake Election Propaganda

Despite rules designed to prevent the use of AI generated images at times of election, researchers from the Center for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH) found that such content can still be easily generated.

The CCDH tested four popular AI platforms—Midjourney, OpenAI’s ChatGPT Plus,’s DreamStudio, and Microsoft’s Image Creator, and found that the fake images can be easily created.

An AI generated image of Joe Biden lying in Hospital bed

Problem & Solution

Although all platforms prohibit creating misleading images, the researchers successfully created deceptive election-related images 41% of the time.

They generated fictional photos suggesting legal issues for Donald Trump and questions about Joe Biden’s age.

An AI generated image showing Donald Trump with people of colour

The AI generated images were so realistic that the research center took some time to identify them.

The CCDH emphasizes the real-world threat of AI-generated misinformation and suggests potential fixes, such as keyword filters and barring the creation of images featuring real politicians.

The organization also highlights the importance of independent fact-checkers in addressing AI-generated misinformation.

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