Trump Says He Will Encourage Putin To Attack NATO Countries

Presidential nominee Donald Trump has said he will encourage Russia to attack any of NATO countries who have failed to abide by their financial obligations.

Trump and hardline Republicans have resisted more aid to Ukraine, but the latest statement puts American allies at risk amid Russia’s brutal war efforts in Ukraine.

No Payment, No Protection

Voicing his concerns for the decades-old alliance, Mr Trump said he would not protect countries that don’t commit to paying NATO’s contributions.

According to the rules laid down by the 31 countries’ alliance, the funding equates to 2% of total Allied defense spending to maintain infrastructure and military capabilities.

White House Condemns Trump

In response to the outrageous statement, the White House said Trump’s statement would encourage Russia to attack allied countries.

White House spokesperson Andrew Bates said Trump’s remarks “endanger American national security, global stability and our economy at home.”

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