New Scientific Discovery Indicates Water on Moon’s Surface

Researchers have discovered signs of water on the moon’s surface.

A US-based research lab uncovered solar-wind hydrogen in moon rocks, pointing towards the availability of crucial resources for future space missions.

U.S. Naval Research Laboratory research mentioned that hydrogen will be essential in establishing future permanent installations on the moon.

Moon’s south pole with possible deposits of water ice (Image: NASA)

Water On The Moon

The research looked into the previous lunar samples from NASA and concluded that the presence of hydrogen in large quantities does point toward water.

“This is the first time scientists have demonstrated detection of hydrogen-bearing species within vesicles in lunar samples,” Dr. Katherine D. Burgess, a geologist in NRL, said.

Latest map showing how water may be moving across the Moon’s surface. (Image: NASA)

Water is Present

Water remains the top priority of space scientists to look for when exploring other planets, especially our moon.

There have been quite remarkable discoveries in the recent past, hinting at the possibility of water on the surface of the moon.

NASA suggests that there is water on the lunar surface, but the origin has yet to be discovered.

“Researchers have confirmed that water exists both in the sunlit and shadowed surfaces of the Moon,” NASA writes on its website.

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