British Boy Returns Home After Missing For 6 Years in France

A young boy named Alex Batty has returned to the United Kingdom after missing for six years in France.

Greater Manchester Police said Alex was back home after he, along with some of his family members, went on a trip to Spain and went missing in 2017.

The investigation is still underway, and the police have not yet determined the cause of his disappearance.

Alex Went Missing in Spain

According to reports, Alex, his mother, and his grandfather went on a holiday trip to Spain in 2017.

Melanie and David Batty took Alex to Spain for a week-long holiday trip but disappeared without a trace in that year.

Alex Found By Motorist

According to BBC’s report, the boy was found by a motorist who saw Alex on the foothills of the French Pyrenees.

The remote region is famous for attracting people who wish to change their lifestyles.

Reports said the motorist, Fabien Accidini, allowed Alex to use his Facebook to contact his grandmother back home.

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