UK Soldier Who Committed Suicide Was Assaulted By Boss

A young female soldier, who was found dead at Larkhill Camp in Wiltshire, went through sexual assault by her boss, an army report said. The 19-year-old Royal Artillery Gunner Jaysley Beck told her mother multiple times that her boss sexually assaulted her while being on duty.

Jaysley Beck was found dead at Larkhill Camp, England

BBC Interviewed Victim Mother

The mother of the victim was interviewed by the BBC where she revealed her daughter’s suffering. The BBC report mentioned that the sexual assault went on for months and it might have ended a few days before Jaysley took her own life. According to the victim’s mother, her daughter’s boss, who hasn’t been named, sent thousands of messages and voicemails in 2021, making sure she was quiet.

Boss Wanted Closer Relationship

The army investigation also revealed that Jaysley’s boss wanted a closer relationship with her but she didn’t agree to it. She told her boss that she had a boyfriend, and she can’t cheat on her, but the boss wasn’t convinced. 

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