September 14, 2023

US Launches $1bn Plantation Project To Mitigate Climate Crisis

The US government has launched a tree plantation project worth $1 billion to mitigate the impact of climate change. Communities around the United States will share the fund in order to plant trees to reduce the extreme heat. The money will be available to the public in the form of 385 grants to people across all 50 states.

Greenland Cruise Ship Stuck in Mud Pulled Out After 3 Days

A luxury cruise ship stuck in the mud for 3 days has finally been pulled out in Greenland. The ship named Ocean Explorer got stuck at the Arctic Circle in Alpefjord with 210 passengers onboard, but the rescuers managed to free it after several days.

Man Arrested For Touching Spanish Reporter Live

A man was arrested by the Spanish authorities for touching a female reporter who was broadcasting live. The reporter named Isa Balado was broadcasting live on a Madrid robbery when the passerby touched her bottom and pretended like nothing happened