US Launches $1bn Plantation Project To Mitigate Climate Crisis

The US government has launched a tree plantation project worth $1 billion to mitigate the impact of climate change. Communities around the United States will share the fund in order to plant trees to reduce the extreme heat. The money will be available to the public in the form of 385 grants to people across all 50 states.

Fund To Focus On Marginalized Areas

The fund will be focusing on areas that are sensitive to climate change, US agriculture secretary, Tom Vilsack said. The fund will build resilience of the local communities in terms of losses unleashed by the climate crisis. Trees can reduce the heat-related deaths and also increase economic output by stabilizing the temperatures, research suggests.

Earth is Heating Up Quickly

The internet was flooded with news of skyrocketing temperatures across the globe 2 months back. July alone was the world’s hottest month on record in 120,000 years, as per climate studies. Heatwaves disturbed lives across the US, Europe, Asia and Africa with temperatures soaring to more than 45 degrees.

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