Ex-Military Men Gives UFO Evidence At Congress Hearing

Three former military members are holding a congressional hearing today to testify about encounters with, what they refer as, UAPs, unidentified aerial phenomenon. The hearing which started at 10:00 am local time centered around UAPs amid push from multiple lawmakers to disclose the truth about reported military encounters.

Ex-Servicemen To Testify

The three former US military officials named David Grusch, David Fravor and Ryan Graves shared their experiences and present evidence. David Grusch, a former intelligence officer, said the US government was holding alien vehicles including “as large as a football field”.  David Fravor, a former US intelligence & Air Force official said he witnessed a tic-tac like object the size of a Boeing 737, moving above water in 2004.

Republicans & Democrats Are On The Same Side

Members of both the republicans and the democrats were on the same page and urged more transparency from the Pentagon and intelligence agencies. Democratic Representative Robert Garcia urged the opposition to come along and unite for more transparency regarding this important issue. 

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