July 26, 2023

Deep Mining Shockingly Dangerous For Marine Life, Study Shows

New research has revealed the adverse effects deep mining has on marine life. Deep mining has been criticized for putting millions of marine species at risk of extinction, but no regulatory measures have been undertaken so far. The new research uncovered a rapid decline in fish population in mining zones within a few months.

Ex-Military Men Gives UFO Evidence At Congress Hearing

Three former military members are holding a congressional hearing today to testify about encounters with, what they refer as, UAPs, unidentified aerial phenomenon. The hearing which started at 10:00 am local time centered around UAPs amid push from multiple lawmakers to disclose the truth about reported military encounters.

Japan Population Drops By Record 800,000 in 2022

Japan’s population has decreased by shocking 800,000 in 2022, according to data from the Internal Affairs and Communications Ministry. The population crisis that the country has been facing for decades is expected to leave a consequential mark with more people dying than being born. For the first time, Japan recorded more births than the number of people dying, since the government started recording the data.