Biden Nominates First Woman To Head Pentagon Military Branch

President Joe Biden made a groundbreaking announcement on Friday by selecting Admiral Lisa Franchetti as his nominee to lead the Navy. This nomination marks a significant milestone as it represents the first time a woman has been chosen to head a military service branch within the Pentagon. Admiral Franchetti’s impressive background includes previous leadership roles as the head of the US 6th Fleet and US naval forces in South Korea.

First Woman In Senior Military Ranks

The 38-year-old Lisa Franchetti is the first woman to have been integrated to the senior US military position. She has previously commanded two aircraft strike groups in South Korea and has also foreseen the US Navy’s response to developments in Syria. Biden’s decision to nominate  Lisa Franchetti as Navy chief contradicts Defence Secretary’s choice, who recommended graduate Samuel Paparo as Naval Chief.

Republican Senator Blocking The Decision

The decision has yet to materialize as the senate must confirm Franchetti’s nomination to head the military branch. Alabama Republican Senator Tommy Tuberville blocked the nomination for his opposition to a Pentagon policy that covers travel expenses for service members who need to undergo an abortion out of state.

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