NASA Recycled 98% Of Astronauts Pee And Sweat in Orbit

NASA revealed that it has recycled around 98% of astronaut’s pee and sweat on the International Space Station. The astronauts aboard the space station recycled the human excreta in order to make the resupply of the vital resource easier and cheaper.

1 Gallon of Water is Required / day

According to NASA estimates, each crew-member on the space station requires around 1 gallon of water in a single day. The agency is aiming at recovering 98% of the water being delivered to the station abroad, as water becomes more and more scarce back on earth. The urine and sweat is recycled and then made safer for drinking, hygienic purposes and food preparation, according to NASA.

Safer Than Earth

This may shock many, because most of us may be thinking whether or not the water is safe enough for drinking. According to the Environmental Control and Life Support System (ECLSS), a system responsible for providing clean air and water, the water recycled on the ISS is far better than the water produced by water systems on Earth.

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