Homeless Man Rescues Child Dumped From a Stolen Vehicle

A homeless man form Florida was hailed as a Hero after he rescued a 2-year-old child from the side of the road. Darrel Everman saw the little child and was concerned as the child didn’t look good playing on the roadside. The toddler was dropped by the roadside by thieves who stole the vehicle and noticed him in the backseat.

Police Looking For The Thief

The Florida Police Department immediately initiated an investigation to locate the suspect who stole the SUV with a baby inside. The toddler was left sleeping in the car while his parents stopped to visit their relatives in Florida. The suspect managed to break into the SUV and drove away, without realizing that there was a passenger sleeping next to him. The child was seen by Darrel Everman minutes after the little boy was dumped by the suspect.

Homeless Man Kept The Child Calm

The child was noticed by Darrel Everman and he got concerned as he couldn’t see the parents nearby. He went to the child and tried to keep him calm and called the police. The police came in with some treats and played with the child for a while as they drove back to the police station and reunited the toddler with his family.

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