Schools Shut Down in Multiple US Cities Due to Heat

Teachers and students in several US cities couldn’t attend school classes due to extreme temperatures. Temperatures across Grand Rapids, Detroit and Michigan were noted above 90s and thousands of students were shifted to remote learning from homes as city administrations feared health crisis.

Thousands Will Learn From Home

According to a report by The New York Times, the Detroit school administration closed down the schools 3 hours early citing high temperatures. In Pittsburgh, which is home to 18,000 students, increasingly warm temperatures and poor air-conditioning systems forced the administration to vacate 40 schools. Schools were also shut down in Grand Rapids for a week due to the same reason.

School Infrastructure or Climate Change?

Both the poor school infrastructure and climate change played their role in the decision to close down the schools. Poor ventilation and air-conditioning systems in schools have never been a new issue for the US but the overly-heated environment aggravated the situation.

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