Experts Worry Deep Fakes Could Threaten 2024 US Elections

Deep Fakes have been threatening elections around the world including the recent Turkish elections. Now experts have started to worry about the upcoming 2024 US elections as they think Deep Fakes could spread disinformation and disrupt the electoral process. Darrell West, from Brookings Institution’s Center for Technology Innovation, said both the supporters of Trump and Biden are going to use AI to mislead the public.

First US Election To Be Hit

The recent surge in the use of AI technology to cause the political divide in American society has been evident from the AI generated images of Donald Trump’s arrest and Biden’s reelection images that went viral. Experts have warned that the 2024 elections are expected to be the first ever US elections where we’ll see frequent  use of AI tools to deliberately spread disinformation.

500,000 Visual Deep Fakes Expected

A company called DeepMedia, which focuses on detecting synthetic media, has estimated that around 500,000 deep fake videos and audios are expected to be shared on social media in 2023. Media experts are worried that most of that number could increase next year, at time of the 2024 US elections.

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