Wine & Sweets Saved Woman Lost in Australian Forest

An Australian woman was found after being lost in the forest for five days. The authorities discovered a single wine bottle which helped her survive for five days in Australian bushes. The 48-year-old Lillian Ip was traveling alone in the dense forest in Victoria state.

Her Car Stuck In The Mud

Lillian Ip found herself trapped in the thick wilderness of Victoria, Australia after taking a wrong turn and getting her car stuck in the mud. Despite planning to set out on a short trip on April 30th, the 48-year-old was unable to reach out for assistance as her phone had no signal.

Ip Intended To Gift Wine To Her Mother

Ms. Ip was found around 37 miles away from the nearest town and couldn’t walk as she had health issues, the authorities said after her medical check up. Although Ms. Ip did not drink, she had a bottle of wine that she had purchased as a present for her mother, which ultimately saved her life.

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