Online Class Cameras Cause Appearance Anxiety, Study Shows

The whole world turned online when the covid hit, turning everything from businesses, jobs, and education into a completely new dimension. Efficiency is being debated, but the anxiety part of online interaction has never been discovered. Recent study shows that online learning causes social appearance anxiety and reduces learning.

This Also Applies To Social Media, Where It Matters To People, They Look In Their Photos.

Viewing Oneself

Students and teachers engage practically in the class without having to care about how they look. The interesting thing about online learning is the ability to look at our own selves, which constantly shows how we act, in front of us, Ingrid S. Tien, the author of the study said. This unique and interesting feature causes social appearance anxiety, which is fear of being negatively judged by others. 

Online Classes Increased Social Appearance Anxiety and Hence Decreases Learning

Participants Reported Anxiety

Most of the participants, who were undergraduate students, reported anxiety while they took their classes. The participants were asked to complete an anxiety test after an online lecture of 15 minutes on Russian fairy tales. The author of the study also noted that the effects were same on both the genders, without statistical fluctuations. 

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