Scotland Elects its First Muslim Government Head

Hamza Yousaf has been elected as the First Minister or the head of the government by the Scottish parliament, becoming the first ever Muslim government head in the history of Western Europe’s history. The former First Minister from the Scottish National Party, Nicola Sturgeon, resigned in February, creating confusion of who is going to become the new First Minister.

Hamza Led Prayer

Hamza Yousaf led a prayer after breaking his fast in his official residence at Bute House, on his first night after being elected as the Scottish First Minister. Yousaf is set to be sworn in as the new head of the government on Wednesday, today. He fought a nail-biting contest and emerged victorious with 52% of his party’s votes in the second round of counting.

Scotland Need Independence

Yousaf outlined his objectives to address the cost-of-living crisis, unite the party, and make renewed efforts towards achieving independence. During a speech in Edinburgh, he emphasized the urgency for Scotland to gain independence.

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