Jack Ma has resurfaced again in China after years of absence from the public eye. Alibaba’s founder visited a school where he met school teaching staff and students as he talked about how artificial intelligence might pose a threat to education. The Chinese billionaire went off screen when he criticized the Chinese government’s financial regulators in 2020.
Where Was He All These Years?
The South China Morning Post reported that after being overseas for over a year, he has recently come back to China. The newspaper also mentioned that Mr. Ma has been traveling to different countries to gain knowledge on agricultural technology. However, it did not explain why he had been absent from the public eye in the past few years.
Ma Talked About ChatGPT
According to a social media post by a school founded by Alibaba partners in Hangzhou, he visited the establishment on Monday to discuss the possible obstacles posed by artificial intelligence to education. He mentioned that “ChatGPT” and comparable technologies mark only the start of the AI era and advocated for the utilization of AI to address problems rather than allowing it to control us.