Putin Ban iPhones For Kremlin Employees

In a move to tighten the security, Moscow has told the Presidential employees to get rid of their iPhones. Putin’s administrative employees are given a one-month deadline to get rid of their iPhones and replace them with some other mobile phones.

No More iPhones

According to the Russian state-owned news outlet Kommersant, the employees will not be able to use iPhones because of security reasons. The employees were urged to use Android, China’s most popular mobile operating system, or Aurora OS, the Russian operating system. Moscow sees the American technology with suspicion amid intense confrontation between the two powers, especially after Russia invaded Ukraine last year.

Fear Of Espionage

The steps are being exercised to avoid hacking and espionage from western countries particularly the US. According to the Russian new outlet, Moscow may have to buy new mobile phones for its employees to replace the current American made technology.

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