March 9, 2023

Uganda Anti-LGBT Bill Threatens With 10 Years Jail

Uganda’s parliament is going to review proposed legislation that would make it illegal for anyone to identify as LGBTQ+ and subject them to a 10-year imprisonment. Additionally, the bill also includes a provision that punishes landlords who rent out their property to gay people with a jail term.

Scientists Discover Enzyme That Generates Electricity From Air

Scientists have discovered an enzyme that can convert air into electrical energy. This breakthrough in the field of energy generation is crucial as our planet is in dire need of transition. Australian researchers have uncovered an interesting enzyme that captures hydrogen from the air to generate an electrical current. 

60 Years Old Sets World Record For 3,264 push-ups In One Hour

60-year-old Rob Stirling did 3,264 push-ups in a single hour setting the world record. Rob proved that age is just a number and one can remain fit as long as one wants. He broke the previously set record of Daniel Scali from Australia who did 3,182 push-ups in one hour.