Drones Set To Deliver Medical Supplies In UK

What seems to be a revolution in the field of health service, the NHS trust has started delivering medical supplies between hospitals. The innovative project is still under trial but most of the officials are optimistic about its success. The trial will take place at Wansbeck General Hospital, in Ashington, Berwick Infirmary, and Alnwick Infirmary.

Fast And Quick Delivery

The drone project will reduce the amount of time taken by health vehicles to deliver medical supplies. It can fly at the speed of 70 miles per hour, according to the experts involved in the project. The unmanned aerial vehicles are managed by Skyports Drone Services and will be responsible for the transfer of blood begs, clinical supplies, and prescriptions. The drones will take off six times a day and will be increased later if the project seemed efficient.

Cutting Carbon Emissions

The climate aspect of the drone project makes it more interesting. According to the NHS trust, drones will decrease the use of conventional vehicles,  for health services, which produce significant amounts of greenhouse gases. 

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