US Military Closed Down Air Space Over Montana

The US military temporarily closed down the airspace over Montana. The closure came as the US military radar identified something threatening. A fighter jet was sent to investigate the aerial object but couldn’t find anything in the air. The air space was opened for commercial airlines after the brief closure.

The Air Space Was Reopened

After the inspection, the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration announced that the air space was reopened after an object was identified over Havre and Montana. Area covering around 50 by 50 nautical miles or 93 by 93 km had flight restrictions. Three lawmakers also tweeted about unidentified objects over Montana.

Fear Of Chinese Spy Balloons?

The closure took place in relation to the downing of a Chinese spy balloon a week ago. Just recently the US military shot down another alleged Chinese spy balloon over Alaska. The Pentagon had confirmed that the aerial objects were for spying purposes.

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