Two Best places To A survive Nuclear Disaster

Nuclear disasters can evaporate humanity any time and scientists have been warning about it for the past several decades. A recent study found that Australia and New Zealand are the best places to survive a nuclear winter. A study published in the journal Risk Analysis mentioned that the two countries could provide enough food amid nuclear disaster.

Enough Food For Millions

The study also included some other places such as Solomon Islands, Iceland and Vanuatu, as the most secure and high food producing regions. Such places have a high probability of producing more food for millions of people, the study mentioned. The authors of the study compared 38 island regions on the basis of 13 factors including energy self-sufficiency and food production. 

The Possible Flaws

An exception to the rule was Australia’s close military ties with the US and other NATO members. Such alliances may make it harder for Australia to avoid any nuclear escalation as it could become a target of a nuclear weapon. And on the other hand, New Zealand’s high dependency on pesticides and machinery imports needed to produce sustainable food was also a reg flag for the country.

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