EU Law Forces Apple To Switch iPhones To USB-C Port

For many years, the iPhone has had a lightning port to charge and transfer data from the phone. No matter how popular USB-C gets, Apple refused to change its ports to that until now. With a new European Union (EU) Law, Apple has to change its iPhone ports to USB-C.

New EU Law

The single charger rule received final approval from EU member state ministers on Monday, which means that by 2024, all electronic products, including smartphones and tablets, must accept USB-C charging.

Apple Switching To USB-C

Apple has not announced when it will switch to USB-C but it needs to do so by end of the 2024 year. Most likely, Apple will switch their next year’s flagship iPhone to have USB-C ports.

Apple could decide to only sell these USB-C port iPhones in Europe instead of selling them globally.

Apple is already using USB-C ports on their iPad and computer lineups. As well as the other end of every iPhone charger is USB-C.

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